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    Κυ  Sun

    Σεπ  Sep

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Ἀγγλικανική Ἐκκλησία τοῦ Ἁγίου Παύλου· ὁδὸν Φιλελλήνων 27, Σύνταγμα (πλησίον σταθμοῦ Μετρό).

Saint Paul’s Anglican Church ; Fillelinon 27, Syntagma (a short walk from the metro station).


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ιη΄ Ἀναγεννησιακὸς Ἑσπερινός.
18th Renaissance Choral Evensong.
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Σχολὴ Μελωδῶν τοῦ Ἁγίου Παύλου

THE SCHOLA CANTORVM SANCTI PAVLI is the first and only school for Renaissance and Baroque polyphony in Greece. Founded by Iason Marmaras in 2016, it works closely with the CENTRE FOR EARLY MUSIC of the Athens Conservatoire and St. Paul’s Anglican Church to provide its Scholares with a high-level education in the singing of polyphony through monthly lectures, rehearsals and performances. At the core of this education and of the Schola’s cooperation with St. Paul’s stand the monthly Renaissance Choral Evensong services, which while providing the Scholares with the liturgical context necessary for any performace of sacred polyphony written for the liturgy, offers the city of Athens a service the likes of which, in content and in level of musicianship, are seldom seen outside the great Anglican Cathedrals across the globe.

The Scholares are offered theoretical lectures and practical exercise at the Collegium (Workshop), the knowledge of which they apply at the rehearsals, services and concerts sung by the Cappella (Choir). The more able Scholares, sing the more demanding parts of services and concerts as the professional Cantores (Song Men & Women).


The COLLEGIVM is the Schola’s workshop. At its monthly meetings the Scholares have the chance to tackle all aspects theoretical and practical of renaissance singing.


The main objectives of the Collegium are ​(1) increasing its members’ familiarity with renaissance notaion, (2) developing their facility to read music (‘prima vista’) from both old and new notation, (3) acquainting them with the elements of style essential for an informed reading and interpretation of renaissance notation, such as the concepts of consonance and dissonance, the principles of melodic elaboration (diminution), the articulation and interpretation of poetic text, &c.

Shortly to be heard and seen.

THE CAPPELLA is the Schola’s Choir; its primary objective is to provide the Scholares with an experience of renaissance music-making removed from modern concert practice and approaching the conditions under which its repertoire (Renaissance choral music) was conceived to be sung.

Thus participating in a liturgical setting, adapted increasingly to the liturgical models of the time, is a very important part of singing in the Cappella.

Apart from its monthly Evensong Services, the Cappella also sings concerts drawing from a variety of English and Continental music mostly from the late Renaissance and  early Baroque periods.

THE CANTORES are the Schola’s small vocal ensemble, their aim (apart from participating in the services and other activities of the Cappella) to reperesent the Schola as its professional ensemble, either on their own right or in collaboration with instrumental ensembles.

Cantores in Concert at St Paul's Anglican Church in Athens
to be heard and seen ::
Services and Concerts

    Κυ  Sun

Οκτ  Oct

2 0 1 8  




Ἀγγλικανική Ἐκκλησία τοῦ Ἁγίου Παύλου· ὁδὸν Φιλελλήνων 27, Σύνταγμα (πλησίον σταθμοῦ Μετρό).

Saint Paul’s Anglican Church ; Fillelinon 27, Syntagma (a short walk from the metro station).


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ιθ΄ Ἀναγεννησιακὸς Ἑσπερινός.
19th Renaissance Choral Evensong.
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    Κυ  Sun

Νοε  Nov

2 0 1 8  




Ἀγγλικανική Ἐκκλησία τοῦ Ἁγίου Παύλου· ὁδὸν Φιλελλήνων 27, Σύνταγμα (πλησίον σταθμοῦ Μετρό).

Saint Paul’s Anglican Church ; Fillelinon 27, Syntagma (a short walk from the metro station).


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κ΄ Ἀναγεννησιακὸς Ἑσπερινός.
20th Renaissance Choral Evensong.
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    Κυ  Sun

Δεκ  Dec

2 0 1 8  




Ἀγγλικανική Ἐκκλησία τοῦ Ἁγίου Παύλου· ὁδὸν Φιλελλήνων 27, Σύνταγμα (πλησίον σταθμοῦ Μετρό).

Saint Paul’s Anglican Church ; Fillelinon 27, Syntagma (a short walk from the metro station).


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κ΄ Ἀναγεννησιακὸς Ἑσπερινός.
20th Renaissance Choral Evensong.
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for those interested
in participating.

PARTICIPATION in Collegium I is open to all lovers of music. Participation in the Cappella is in principle reserved for current and past participants in Collegium I, with some exceptions according to the needs of the ensemble and the judgement of its musical director. Singing among the Cantores requires facility in reading music, flexibility in the pronunciation of European languages, as well as advanced musical and vocal faculties.

Cappella during Evensong
with the
Schola Cantorum.

IN order to declare your interest in participating, or for any questions concerning the Schola Cantorum, you may use the following form :


( If you wish to remain up to date about the Schola’s activities,

you may fill in your e-mail address only. )

We thank you for your interest in the Schola.

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